
Saint Dnayashewar and the Tulsi leaves

It is the pure knowledge itself that is not enlightened by any other knowledge or darkened by Ignorance. But can the pure consciousness be conscious of itself ? Can the eyeball perceive itself ? Can the sky enter into itself ? Can the fire burn in itself ? Therefore , that which is pure consciousness of itself without the quality of being conscious is not conscious of itself. Amrutanubhava by Saint Dnayashewar.

Loading Jamie Folder

Yeah I wish a scare to tell you about loading Jamie Folder who is unfortunately is my daughter's boyfriend in college wherelse. I hate to wonder about my daughter's choices about men. But these are boys and my girl, they and we too are born to make mistakes. My age and time , we learn from our mistakes but my girl loves repeating them as if she's doesn't need to learn anything , you know what I mean ? I bet you. I have given up thinking about Jamie Folder but I love my daughter you know! and I am not allowing any Folder Wolder chap near her. The thing about Jamie is the fact, he is very handsome and I hate handsome dudes because their brains are somewhere in the knees. I like smart guys who may not be good looking but they are very intelligent and hardworking. Jamie Folder loves his bikes he gets to the college and my girl loves bikes and that certainly may not include Jamie Folder. Folder is a nuthead dude and my daughter is extremely intelligent. So to avoid the pain

Safed Kurta Pyjama and Rent Collection

That is me , Safed kurta and Pyjama for rent collection of my inheritance. What more can I share? 

The First Roar

Finally the Girl from Parsons is ready to rock the world again this time with more precision and better gums and tooth. Sometimes I wonder that, is it for real that she is one Parsons. Because no Parson has achieved so much fleet to what she has in such a short span of time and space. Nonetheless she is extremely naughty and a specie of many interests which astonishes me to the core. I strongly believe it's her first Roar.

Pull the Glaciers

Julia puts up a daily 10 hour routinely study pack on her back and mind , staying focused and enjoying simpler tasks with her father and mother and often going for long walks with her boat headphones. These days she's more of a music and extremely less on her studies which is surely going to lead to a catastrophe. Julia is sometimes misguided by her own whims and fancies. She scores very high with limited amount of hardwork and considers hardwork a less important partner to studies. Sometimes it makes me feel that she's aware of everything going around and plays it cool. I suspect addiction of social Media. What it takes to pull the Glaciers is what it takes doing hardwork with a focused mindset.A dedicated plan is a way forward pulling up the Glaciers or else you might turn just average . When students stop taking inspirations that implies a student being unaware of the fantastic phenomenon of the northern lights. Similarly Pulling the Glaciers is a student phenomenon, a feeli

Sniper From the East

This Sniper from the East is no one else but China and it's policies in the global South. It is extremely sensitive of its relationships with Taiwan and countries supporting of the Taiwanese Independence. China has encircled India in a way the boa locks its prey. Similarly India has achieved some degree of its responses. The details are quite fascinating and each set of offences and defences has a fascinating nomenclature to it. China is quite seducing to India' s neighbours and India is struggling to build its traditional ties with its neighbours. China is flexing all its muscles in the region and it remains to be seen what is India' s strike power in the region is going to be ? 

Banyan Cutting Across the House

This is in reference to the joint family system that exists in India amongst Indian families. That more than singleton of factors that allows a Banyan to cut across the house, the families, the values, the traditions to dissect the family.