That Logded Deep Inside the Brain

After what has transpired vis-a-vis the Jewish Palestinian relationship which has been poisoned for most of the time since Al-Naqba.It is very difficult to digest such a Relationship on humanity scale. After that lodged deep inside the brain, Generations have to be evolved for a shallow workable relationship between Israel and Palestine.

Thousands and thousands of dead, millions and millions being displaced. Lives has been disrupted on an unimaginable scale. It becomes extremely difficult in real sense,almost impossible for these two civilizations to come closer for peace and harmony.

Millions of childrens being born in Refugee Camps , millions been denied chance and the only chance they have is to pick up a gun and fight a never ending war of oppression.

There exists a very thin line between Terrorism and the fight for freedom and there's too much poison being harnessed which makes me feel that the proposition of peace is something next to impossible.

Here I wish to come to the holyland with only love , faith and the faith in supreme God to usher his blessings of peace and mutual love and respect that one day angels will rise to complete the task, the tasks many have attempted and perished to see it happen before their eyes, the tasks the world awaits which is holy, just for all.


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